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Date 2016/04/14 04:53:53
Name 장비
Subject [일반] 나의 영웅에게 (Kobe)

나의 영웅 코비 브라이언트가 NBA에서의 마지막 경기를 갖습니다.
02년 미국땅을 처음 밟았을 때밟았을때, 마르고, 겁이 많아 내성적이고, 소극적이었던 저를
학창시절 과제를 하다가도, 시험공부를 하다가도 티브이 앞으로 티비앞으로 항상 끌어당겼던 그는

Selfish, Big Ego, Ballhog등의 쏟아지는 미디어의 비판과 압박에도,
열성적인 관중들마저 응원을 포기할 정도로 힘들어 보이는 경기의 속에서도
의료진이 경기 뛰는 것을 만류할 정도로 여기저기 부상에 시달리면서도,
경기 종료의 버저가 울리기 전까지 절대로 포기하지 않고 끝까지 부딪히며
매 포제션 자신이 가진 것을 모두 쏟아부으며 기적을 만들어나갔으며,
항상 정상의 위치에 있으면서도 여름마다 누구보다 더 열심히 훈련하는,

그런 그를 보며 어찌 농구라는 스포츠와 사랑에 빠지지 않을 수 있을까요,

비록 포기를 모르는 승리욕 때문에 수많은 샷을 미스했고, 연속해서 에어 볼을 날리고, 경기를 그르치기도 하는 등 수많은 실패도 하였지만,

한 경기 81득점, 경기의 승패를 결정짓는 버저비터들을 넣었고,
5번의 NBA 챔피언이 되었고, 18번의 올스타가 되었던 그는
승리자였고, 우리 세대의 아이콘이 되었고, 영웅이 되었고,
오늘 경기를 마지막으로 정말로 전설이 되네요.

96년부터 오늘까지 어떠한 상황에서도 물러서지 않고 Gold & Purple을 지켜온 수호신
두려움과 압박감, 그리고 도전을 피하기보다는 즐기며 망설임 없이 부딪힐 수 있는 용기를
저뿐만 아니라 그를 아는 모두에게 알려준 그대에게
진심으로 감사를 표합니다.

Thank you, Kobe Bryant, KB24, KB8,

Kobe Bryant (1996-2016 in NBA)
NBA Most Valuable Player (2008)
5 times NBA Champion
18 times NBA All-star
11 times All-NBA First Team
9 times All-NBA Defensive First Team

밑에는 영문버전입니다...


Kobe Bryant, my hero will play his last game in NBA tonight.
His games always dragged me in front of the TV no matter where I was, or what I was up to
(usually studying exams…)
He was the hero to a shy, passive, and timid boy who arrived in U.S. on 2002.

Although the media always criticized him as “Selfish, Big Ego, Ballhog, Uncoachable”
Even when the most dedicated fans were losing hopes in the game,
Even when the team doctors advised him to rest instead of playing the game,
He was always in the game, giving everything he had, competing every possession in both offensive and defensive ends, making miracles we could not imagine.

And every summer, he trained harder to pursue perfection, even when he was at his best.

With all the above, who would not fall in love with Kobe and the basketball.

Although his unyielding competitive spirit made him to miss so many shots, made him to shoot consecutive air balls and bad shots, and even throw away the game time to time, giving him numerous failures,

He scored 81 points in a game, hitting many miraculous shots and buzzer beaters,
Became 5 times NBA Champion, 18 times NBA All-Star,
He was the winner, Icon of our generation, Hero of our time,
And now he will become the Legend after his last game.

From 1996 to 2016,
He was the guardian of Gold & Purple, who never backed off from anything.
And I sincerely thank to you for giving me and all the others who know you
the courage to face pressure and challenges with no fear.

Thank you, Kobe, KB24, KB8

Kobe Bryant (1996-2016 in NBA)
NBA Most Valuable Player (2008)
5 times NBA Champion
18 times NBA All-star
11 times All-NBA First Team
9 times All-NBA Defensive First Team

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
16/04/14 08:21
수정 아이콘
Good bye kobe, Thanks to kobe
16/04/14 10:59
수정 아이콘
어떤 셀틱팬이 코비한테 보낸 편지
Dear Kobe: A Letter From a Celtics Fan

Dear Kobe Bryant,

I hate you.

Can you blame me? As a Celtics fan, I rooted against you for two decades. I rejoiced in your agony when my Celtics beat you in the 2008 Finals. Paul Pierce deserved it way more than you did. You already had three rings at the time.

But three just wasn’t enough for you. You got your revenge and ultimately your fifth ring in 2010 while ripping my heart out in the process. I hope you still know how lucky you are that Kendrick Perkins was out for Game 7.

I read your letter in the Players' Tribune today and was shocked. Not because you announced your retirement – we all already knew that. I was shocked because of the way your letter made me feel.

In my mind, I have always grouped you and Derek Jeter together. You are the players that we as Boston fans bitterly hate, but cannot help but respect. You played the game the right way – with passion, pride, and professionalism.

You were true students of the game who pursued greatness by working harder than anybody. You became generational icons of your respective sports. You embraced every challenge. You gave it your all. You put your bodies on the line. You knew how to win. You respected your sport, your craft, and your rivalry with Boston.

December 30 marks the last time that you will play in Boston. This is also the last opportunity for us Celtics fans to cheer our team to victory against arguably the most dominant player in the storied history of the Celtics and Lakers.

As you go, so goes what is left of the rivalry that once dominated the NBA. Perhaps someday it will be rekindled by new faces. Perhaps not.

So when you come to the Garden next month, I hope the crowd puts you through hell. I hope we heckle you and boo you more emphatically than we did in the championship bouts. I hope you miss every single free throw. I hope you never forget what it’s like to be surrounded by 17,000 screaming fans who bleed green and would give anything to watch you fail one last time.

I hope we beat LA once again. And when you get pulled from the lineup halfway through the fourth quarter when my Celtics are up by 20 points, I think something beautiful will happen.

Every single person in the Garden will stop booing. We will rise to our feet and show respect in the form of the loudest, most passionate standing ovation you have ever witnessed. We will chant your name. We will wipe our eyes. We will say our bittersweet farewells.

They say you never truly know what you got 'til it’s gone. So before you go, I just want to say thank you for being far more than just a great basketball player. To an entire generation of NBA fans, you are basketball.

I can’t believe I’m saying this… but I’m really going to miss you.

Love (and hate) you always,
A Celtics fan who didn’t appreciate you enough #DearKobe #WWLG4L

- Jonathan Jacobson
16/04/14 14:37
수정 아이콘
그리고 오늘 60득점입니다!!
정말 마지막까지 너무나 멋진 선수입니다
Go Lakers
16/04/14 17:09
수정 아이콘
마지막 경기 눈물이 나오려는거 참았네요

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